Hyper Dragon Ball Z

Hyper Dragon Ball Z

Build 4 (Champ Build)
Goku in 2D like you've never seen him

The Golden Age of Dragon Ball War was in the 16-bit consoles and now it is not the same success that they have moved to 3D in more modern consoles. However, Hyper Dragon Ball Z is designed for those who are missing for that period.


Like other fan-design free games, this game does not borrow its graphics from commercial video games. Instead, the creators of the game have created graphic graphics from zero to create a spectacular graphics-like appearance of the game like Capcom for their 90x.


The game has been improved using the My Engine and it is constantly updated. It has Dragon Ball Z characters and, now, the following characters are available: Goku, Goku Super Saiyajin, Vegeta, Mr. Shaitan and Saibaman. Each of them has a different movement that has been taken directly from manga / anime.


Like the scene, all the music is completely original. Although this game has been upgraded for several years, but the high quality of every aspect of the game is surprising when a new version emerges.

More Information

License Version Developer
Free Build 4 (Champ Build) Balthazar


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