

Spot Metrix

SpinCam is an app that lets you take 360 ??degree photos and users can easily share them with a small social network who can see and appreciate your strange images.


The process to take a 360-degree picture is quite intuitive. Slowly turn on your iPhone around the photos you want to photograph, check that the circle on the screen is filled correctly.


Once you are done with your photo you choose what you want to do if you want to save it on your iPhone or if you prefer to use the app to share on Facebook. If you choose later, users around the world can see and rate your creations, best people can first show up.


The application's interface is very comfortable and functional. All you need is its three buttons: One online gallery you take, one that takes you to your own gallery and that allows you to take pictures


SpinCam is a great application that will allow you to create spectacular photos. Look at them as easy as dragging your finger across the screen so that you slowly turn each picture

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License Version Developer
Full 1.5.3 Spot Metrix
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