100 Happy Days

100 Happy Days



You can take the challenge at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Email.

Do you like to take great challenges? The website has 100 happy days that everyone will be able to accomplish: 100 days to be happy for straightforward. How? By posting, your favorite social network, a picture that makes you laugh. If you do it, you will create a happy memories full album.


Being happy to appreciate the moment that 100 happy days were created with the philosophy of happiness is the core of happiness, so the challenge encourages you to look for smaller things about any day that you can turn it on a good day.


To participate in the challenge, add your hashtag # 100 Hjidade and the number of days in your movie, for example: 'Day # 1 [your picture] # 100 Hjidade'. You can add some comments if you choose. To officially join the challenge, just register on his website and once you get a file with your complete collection.


71% of people who start the challenge say that they do not end up ending their time. Do you have time to be happy?

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100 Happy Days
100 Happy Days


You can take the challenge at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Email.




Using the official site plugin, you can add the whiteboard to your website.




Free trial accounts allow 30 minutes of access to the live section and 100 minutes for automatic screen capturing or acceptance.

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