ICE Book Reader

ICE Book Reader

ICE Graphics
A digital reeding that takes care of your eyes

A book is big to try to reed a digital document; It takes more time and effort to reed a book and your eyes usually get pretty pretty tired. Therefore, the ICU Book Reader professionals should avoid severe eyesight for those who spend a lot of time reading online.

The ICU Book Reader offers a variety of professional features that will improve both your reading and your health. Uses colors to make text scrolls slowly and without strict movement and to isolate headlines. The software is a great choice for working with Lit, CMM and EPB and it does not use any material from Microsoft readers. It works from TXT to HTML, DOC, PDB, LIT and FB2 as a file converter.

Another great ICU book reader feature is that you will not get tired of the eyes as you do not need to sit around the screen for the read. Because of the Front size, it's like you are watching TV. You can easily control the text scrolls and change the thickness of the text, which makes reading the text easier.

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Trial 9.4.2 ICE Graphics


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